A root canal is a treatment performed to save or repair a tooth that is severely decayed or infected. Common reasons for a root canal include extensive decay or trauma to the tooth, deep fillings, tooth fractures, or periodontal disease. During a root canal procedure, the nerve and pulp of the tooth are removed, and the inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned and sealed thereafter. Our dentistry practice performs root canal therapy to help patients restore their dental health and relieve the pain caused by pulp inflammation or dental infection.

Comprehensive Dental Care utilizes advanced techniques and the latest in sedation therapy, resulting in minimal discomfort to patients during a root canal procedure. Our Florida DMD prioritizes the comfort and the satisfaction of our patients and remains dedicated to helping each patient achieve a healthy, beautiful smile that lasts a lifetime.

What Is Root Canal Therapy?

Root canal therapy, or root canal treatment, is an endodontic procedure that restores both the appearance and function of a tooth that is severely damaged or diseased. Treatment is necessary when the soft pulp at the center of a tooth becomes infected or inflamed due to severe dental decay or injury to the tooth, such as cracks and chips. If left untreated, a tooth that requires a root canal may cause severe pain or even become abscessed. Contact our comprehensive dentistry practice right away if you experience severe oral pain — we offer emergency dental services for prompt dental care, day or night.

Five Signs That You Need A Root Canal

When a tooth infection occurs, it often spreads to the root of the tooth. The pulp of the tooth (the inner chamber of the tooth that contains blood vessels, nerves, and other tissues) is then susceptible to the infection.

The following are five signs that indicate the need for root canal therapy. To determine whether you require root canal therapy or for more information about our dental services and procedures, contact us today.

     1. Severe Tooth Pain

The pulp within a tooth is composed of nerves and blood vessels. Pulp that is infected or inflamed becomes irritated, resulting in increased pressure and a throbbing pain.

     2. Swelling Of The Gums

If a tooth becomes infected and abscessed, the bacteria that forms in the abscess may transfer to the surrounding gums, resulting in severe facial swelling.

     3. Discoloration Of The Tooth

A severely discolored or darkened tooth typically indicates decayed or necrotic pulp. The decay causes pus to form, which can leak into other portions of the tooth.

     4. Bitter Taste In The Mouth

A bitter taste in the mouth may be a result of bacteria from an abscessed tooth. Bacteria located in the decayed tooth use sulfur in the mouth to continue to survive.

     5. Prolonged Tooth Sensitivity

An infected tooth may cause cracks to form within tooth enamel. The material located beneath the enamel is sensitive to changes in temperature, resulting in pain from exposure to hot and cold foods or beverages.

How To Prevent A Root Canal

The most effective way to prevent the need for root canal therapy is daily maintenance of effective oral health and dental care techniques, such as proper brushing and flossing as well as biannual dental check-ups and dental cleanings. Contact us to schedule an appointment for Gainesville dentistry. We offer affordable dental membership plans for every type of budget!

What Are The Benefits?

Root canals quickly and effectively work to eliminate tooth infections that could otherwise spread to nearby teeth or begin to damage your jawbone. Additionally, once the infected pulp is removed from your tooth, you may notice reduced pain and improved ability to speak and eat. This is a simple and permanent procedure that will enhance your quality of life.

Proper Care And Maintenance

The recovery time for a root canal is less than a week. Following your procedure, you should only eat soft foods. Keep up proper oral hygiene, which includes brushing your teeth after every meal, using antibacterial mouthwash, and flossing daily. If you are a smoker, try to temporarily avoid smoking after your root canal. Smoking can delay the healing process.

Cost and Insurance Coverage

The cost of the procedure depends on several different factors, including the location of the affected tooth, whether it is a first-time root canal or a retreatment, and if you need a crown or not. Front teeth are the least expensive – because they are the easiest for your dentist to reach. Front tooth root canal therapies typically cost around $1,000. Meanwhile, bicuspid (premolar) teeth, or the teeth before your molars, are priced around $1,100. Molars, located in the back of your mouth, are the most expensive. It can cost around $1,300 to $1,600 to receive a root canal on your molar.

Most dental insurance plans tend to cover root canal therapy. Dental insurance often covers 50% to 80% of your root canal.