Comprehensive Dental Care, located in the heart of Gainesville, FL, offers our patients the experience and specialized care of two board-certified dentists for comprehensive restorative dentistry, dental therapy, and cosmetic dentistry services that optimize oral health today and for the future. Andrew Martin, DMD, and Natalie Pan, DMD, are both members of the American Dental Association and hold a high degree of commitment to excellence in each procedure, treatment, and patient visit. Along with our commitment to unparalleled patient care, high-quality dental services, and innovative treatments using state-of-the-art medical equipment and techniques, Dr. Martin, Dr. Pan, and each additional member of our dentistry team has ties to our community that start in the office with our patients and continue outside of the office with fellow North Central Florida residents.
As dedicated members of the local community, our Gainesville dental team retains deep roots with several organizations throughout North Central Florida. To learn more about the ways we give back to the community, please contact our office!

United Way Partner
Comprehensive Dental Care is a proud partner of United Way. Through United Way, we work with our local community to increase health resources and provide health education. United Way’s mission is to improve people’s lives by building a solid foundation of financial stability, education, and health. They accomplish this in local communities by working with local partners, such as ourselves. They are a privately funded organization and reach 48 million people every year.

Sponsor A Pet Shelter Monthly
Our office sponsors a pet at the local Humane Society of North Florida monthly. This rewarding opportunity spreads awareness for dogs and cats available for adoption locally. Our commitment helps stop animal euthanasia by covering medical needs, adoption fees, and more to give these beautiful fur babies a chance to live full life. We love sharing photos of adoptable pets and helping find them new homes with loving, local families.

Sponsor A Classroom
Dr. Martin and Dr. Pan share a passion for supporting local education. With the support of a classroom program, we are able to directly sponsor a grade school classroom and provide supplies that would otherwise be missing or supplied by the teacher. We believe that when students have the tools and support they need, they can thrive in the classroom.