When it comes to oral health, what you put in your mouth is just as important as what you don’t. While nutrients are an important part of overall health, the foods you eat serve an additional purpose, helping to clean your teeth and gums. Even if you have tooth implants or veneers, it’s important to take care of your mouth. To help improve your oral health, our dentists in Gainesville are providing a list of foods beneficial to your oral health and those you should avoid. Contact Comprehensive Dental Care today to schedule a dental consultation for your oral health needs!

Calcium-Rich Foods

Your teeth and bones similarly rely on calcium to stay strong, so eating a calcium-rich diet can help protect your teeth and keep them strong. Milk, yogurt, cheese, almonds, salmon, and fortified soy products are all good sources of calcium. As a bonus, many of these foods also contain helpful, beneficial nutrients, such as casein, which strengthens tooth enamel, and phosphate, which helps to balance your mouth’s pH to prevent acid from eroding your enamel. Dark leafy greens are also a good source of calcium. Leafy greens, such as spinach, kale, collard greens, and bok choy, also contain folic acid which can reduce gum inflammation, which can lead to gingivitis and gum disease.

Crunchy Vegetables & Fruits

You should always aim to have a healthy serving of vegetables with every meal, but crunchy vegetables provide an extra benefit of cleaning your teeth of plaque and food particles. Vegetables such as bell peppers, broccoli, carrots, and celery help remove particles from your teeth and have a high water content, which helps wash away anything once it’s removed. Crunchy fruit, such as apples and pears, can provide a similar benefit. However, because fruits are high in sugar and may be more acidic, it’s important to keep your servings of fruit to a health limit every day.


Water is essential for the proper function of our bodies, and it’s also important for keeping our mouths clean and healthy. Water washes away plaque and food particles when drinking it, but it also stimulates the production of saliva, which helps keep your mouth clean and healthy whether you’re drinking or not. Additionally, replacing sugary drinks with water can help prevent early tooth decay.

Foods To Limit

It’s common knowledge to limit sugary treats, such as soda, honey, molasses, candy, and dried fruit. However, foods high in starches, such as bread and potato chips, should also be avoided. These foods can stick to your teeth and wear down the enamel, causing cavities and tooth decay. Acidic foods should also be limited, though not cut out of your diet entirely, because they can be a source of necessary vitamins and minerals. This includes cranberries, lemons, oranges, and tomatoes, whether whole or juiced. If you eat any of these, try to pair them with one of the other foods on this list to help neutralize the acidity or clear it away quickly before it has a chance to sit on your teeth and cause damage.

Want your best smile? Comprehensive Dental Care provides an array of dental services to help, including teeth whitening, orthodontics, and more!